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We don't know where WhatHoSnorkers is from.
WhatHoSnorkers is years old.
Among all Players on exQUIZitely, are WhatHoSnorkers' age and within that age group ( to ) WhatHoSnorkers is ranked at Position !
WhatHoSnorkers has played a total of 1 Quizzes.
Did you know that 6458 Quizzes have been played on exQUIZitely by all Players? This means that WhatHoSnorkers accounts for 0,02% of all Quizzes played, and ranks WhatHoSnorkers at Position 95 of 109 Players in terms of activity.
WhatHoSnorkers has signed up with exQUIZitely on 5 December 2024, which means WhatHoSnorkers has been with us for 70 days, which is awesome.
WhatHoSnorkers has not created any Quizzes with the Quiz Creator yet. Have you? We would love to see you give it a try, it's fun and easy to create your very own Quiz, which can then be played by all Players on exQUIZitely.
So far a total of 8 Quizzes have been created by Players on exQUIZitely, which equates to 7,41% of all Quizzes.
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The Leaderboard calculates the weighted average of all your best High Scores. In this context “weighted” means that we value the High Scores for a 1-Minute Mode different from a 2-Minute Mode and a 3-Minute Mode. The reason is – simply put – that a player who plays the 2-Minute Mode of a Quiz will generally get double the points total at the end of that Quiz compared to if he would play the 1-Minute Mode. Double the time (2-Minute Mode) generally means double the points, at least roughly. In order to not favor players who only play the 3-Minute Mode (triple the point potential) we use weighted averages to calculate your Leaderboard ranking.
Here is an example of that weighted average: Let’s assume you play the Tennis Player Quiz in all 5 Modes. In the 1-Minute Mode your High Score is 1000 points, in the 2-Minute Mode you reach a High Score of 2500 points and in the 3-Minute Mode you get 6000 points. You also play the Stacker Mode and get 2000 points and then finally the Sudden Death Mode with 1000 points. The weighted average then goes as follows: 1000 + (2500 / 2) + (6000 / 3) + 2000 + 1000 = 7125. That final number (7125), your weighted average High Score for all 5 Modes in the Tennis Player Quiz, will then be added to your Leaderboard ranking.
A few thoughts: Players who play more Quizzes and Quiz Modes will be rewarded, since they simply increase their chance of getting more High Scores. However, players who are very smart and simply better than others will generally still have an edge over players who simply play a lot (but are not very good). Yet, even if you are the most brilliant Quiz player ever but only play a single Quiz you will probably be overtaken by others in the Leaderboard ranking over time, because – well – they will eventually get more points by playing other Quizzes too.
A very simple example would be player A playing 1 Quiz and getting a great High Score of 20000 points (congratulations!), while player B plays several Quizzes (let’s say 20) and gets an average High Score of 1500 (not too shabby) for each of those. Player B would then be ranked higher in the Leaderboard with 30000 points.
Challenge Ranking shows a list of Players based on their skill and strength in the Challenge Mode (Challenges are Quizzes played in groups of 2 to 5 Players). Challenge Points are awarded depending on how well you perform.
All Points are awarded at the end of a Challenge. A Challenge ends when a group is full and all Players have played, or when it expires, whichever occurs first.
When you create or join a Challenge but do not play, you will lose 1 point. We do this so that Players don’t randomly create or join Challenges and then don’t play them (which would somewhat ruin the Challenge for the rest of the Players).
When you create or join and play a Challenge, you are awarded 1 point.
You get additional points when you beat Players in a Challenge. For every Player that you beat, you get 1 additional point. Thus, the most points you can get is 5, which would occur in a group of 5 Players. By winning that group, you have beaten 4 other Players (+4 points) and you will also receive 1 point for joining and playing that Challenge.