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Simply click on the green “Next” button to see, step by step, how the Quiz Player works and what the individual elements mean. You can end the Tour anytime by clicking the orange “End Tour” button.
The digital Timer at the top right corner shows how much time is left. Once it reaches zero your Quiz ends. Depending on your Quiz Mode you will have different times to start with.
Probably quite self-explanatory, this is the name of the Quiz that you have chosen to play.
There are 5 different Quiz Modes to choose from for any Quiz. The 1-, 2- and 3-Minute Modes, the Stacker Mode, and the Sudden Death Mode. The first 3 Modes only differ in their start times of 1, 2 and 3 Minutes. The Stacker Mode starts with 15 seconds and rewards you with 3 extra seconds for a correct answer. However, a wrong answer will take an extra 6 seconds off the timer. The final Mode, Sudden Death, also starts with 15 seconds and simply resets back 15 seconds for every correct answer, while a wrong answer will instantly end the Quiz.
For every correct answer, your Points will increase by 100. An incorrect answer will not get you any Points.
A Bonus is awarded for a streak of correct answers. The longer your streak is, the bigger your bonus will be. The smallest streak is 2 correct answers in a row (for which you will get a Bonus of 5). A streak of 3 correct answers will result in an additional Bonus of 10 (so now you have a total bonus of 5 + 10). If you get 4 correct answers in a row, your Bonus would be 5 + 10 + 15 = 30. Once your streak ends by giving an incorrect answer your accumulated total Bonus will remain, but your new streak will start again at 0.
The Multiplier starts at 1.00 and increases by 0.02 for every Question (regardless of whether your answer is correct or incorrect). It basically means that the faster you go through the Questions the higher your Multiplier will be, potentially making a big difference to your Final Quiz Score. However, the Multiplier will have little meaning if most of your answers are fast but incorrect. Try to find the right balance between being correct and fast.
You can click the Music button to turn the in-game Music on or off.
You can click the Power button to end a Quiz instantly at any given time. Please note that in this case your Final Score will not be saved.
This shows the general Quiz Question.
The left side shows the Quiz Answers out of which only one is correct. Once you click on any of them, you will see a green check mark (correct answer) or a red X-symbol (incorrect answer) and the next Quiz Question will load.
The main screen in the TV Player shows the Quiz Image. Alternatively, it can also be a written text.
Once your Quiz ends, you will also see your Final Quiz Score in this section of the TV Player.
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You answered out of questions correctly for which you got Points (100 Points per correct answer).
For answering multiple questions in a row correctly, you got a Bonus of (your Bonus increases with every additional correct answer in a row).
Your Multiplier is for having attempted questions.
Therefore, your Final Score is:
( Points + Bonus) x Multiplier =
The 1-, 2- and 3-Minute Modes are pretty self-explanatory. Once you select any of those and start the Quiz you will have either 1, 2 or 3 minutes of play time to get as many answers correct as possible. The Quiz ends when the clock reaches zero.
The Stacker Mode lets you start with 15 seconds on the clock. A correct answer will add 4 seconds to your time, while an incorrect answer will take off 6 seconds. The Quiz ends when the clock reaches zero.
The Sudden Death Mode lets you start with 15 seconds on the clock. A correct answer will reset it back to 15 seconds, an incorrect one will end the Quiz immediately, regardless of how much time is left on the clock. The Quiz also ends when the clock reaches zero.
The Ranking for „All Modes” considers the 5 different Modes that you can play for a Quiz. Naturally, a Player who plays the 2 Minutes Mode has double the time and can therefore score a better High Score than a Player who plays the 1 Minute Mode. It becomes more obvious when you consider the 3 Minutes Mode. To assure that the “All Modes” Ranking is fair, a weighted system is applied for its calculation. This means that your 1 Minute Mode High Score will count as 100% towards the weighted total sum, the 2 Minutes Mode High Score will count as 50% towards the weighted total sum, the 3 Minutes Mode will count as 33% towards the weighted total sum, the Stacker Mode will count as 100% towards the weighted total sum, and finally the Sudden Death Mode will count as 100% towards the weighted total sum.
For simplicity purposes, consider this example: Your High Score for a Quiz in the 1 Minute Mode is 1000, your High Score in the 2 Minutes Mode is 2500, and your High Score in the 3 Minutes Mode is 4500. You haven’t played the Stacker or Sudden Death Mode for this Quiz yet. To calculate your overall sum of the weighted High Scores for your “All Modes” Ranking, which determines the best Players for any given Quiz, the formula is as follows: (1000 x 100%) + (2500 x 50%) + (4500 x 33%). In other words: 1000 + 1250 + 1485, which gives you an “All Modes” score of 3735.
The reason for this weighted scoring is simply to not advantage or disadvantage any Player depending on the Quiz Modes they choose.
The 1 Minute Mode starts with 60 seconds on the timer, and once it reaches 0 the Quiz ends.
Each correct answer will add 100 points to your High Score, an incorrect one will not give you any additional points.
The bonus is based on a streak of correct answers. If you answer 2 questions in a row correctly, you will get a small bonus of 5. For the third correct answer in a row, you get an additional 10 points (so, now your total bonus count is 15), for the fourth correct answer in a row you get an additional 15 points (so, now your total bonus count is 30), and so on. If your streak is interrupted by an incorrect answer, the formerly gained total bonus remains, but your new bonus counter starts again at 5 once you have another streak of 2 correct answers. Sounds a bit complicated? Once you have played a few Quizzes it will seem straight forward, and it is meant to reward players who get multiple correct answers in a row.
Finally, the multiplier starts at 1.00 and increases by 0.02 for each correct answer. The multiplier is meant to reward players who are fast.
Players who are both fast and correct will get the highest Score, which is calculated at the end of the game as follows: (POINTS + BONUS) x MULTIPLIER.
The 2 Minutes Mode starts with 120 seconds on the timer, and once it reaches 0 the Quiz ends.
Each correct answer will add 100 points to your High Score, an incorrect one will not give you any additional points.
The bonus is based on a streak of correct answers. If you answer 2 questions in a row correctly, you will get a small bonus of 5. For the third correct answer in a row, you get an additional 10 points (so, now your total bonus count is 15), for the fourth correct answer in a row you get an additional 15 points (so, now your total bonus count is 30), and so on. If your streak is interrupted by an incorrect answer, the formerly gained total bonus remains, but your new bonus counter starts again at 5 once you have another streak of 2 correct answers. Sounds a bit complicated? Once you have played a few Quizzes it will seem straight forward, and it is meant to reward players who get multiple correct answers in a row.
Finally, the multiplier starts at 1.00 and increases by 0.02 for each correct answer. The multiplier is meant to reward players who are fast.
Players who are both fast and correct will get the highest Score, which is calculated at the end of the game as follows: (POINTS + BONUS) x MULTIPLIER.
The 3 Minutes Mode starts with 180 seconds on the timer, and once it reaches 0 the Quiz ends.
Each correct answer will add 100 points to your High Score, an incorrect one will not give you any additional points.
The bonus is based on a streak of correct answers. If you answer 2 questions in a row correctly, you will get a small bonus of 5. For the third correct answer in a row, you get an additional 10 points (so, now your total bonus count is 15), for the fourth correct answer in a row you get an additional 15 points (so, now your total bonus count is 30), and so on. If your streak is interrupted by an incorrect answer, the formerly gained total bonus remains, but your new bonus counter starts again at 5 once you have another streak of 2 correct answers. Sounds a bit complicated? Once you have played a few Quizzes it will seem straight forward, and it is meant to reward players who get multiple correct answers in a row.
Finally, the multiplier starts at 1.00 and increases by 0.02 for each correct answer. The multiplier is meant to reward players who are fast.
Players who are both fast and correct will get the highest Score, which is calculated at the end of the game as follows: (POINTS + BONUS) x MULTIPLIER.
The Stacker Mode starts with 15 seconds on the timer. For each correct answer 4 seconds are added to your timer. For each incorrect answer 6 seconds are taken off the timer. Once the timer reaches 0 the Quiz ends.
Each correct answer will add 100 points to your High Score, an incorrect one will not give you any additional points.
The bonus is based on a streak of correct answers. If you answer 2 questions in a row correctly, you will get a small bonus of 5. For the third correct answer in a row, you get an additional 10 points (so, now your total bonus count is 15), for the fourth correct answer in a row you get an additional 15 points (so, now your total bonus count is 30), and so on. If your streak is interrupted by an incorrect answer, the formerly gained total bonus remains, but your new bonus counter starts again at 5 once you have another streak of 2 correct answers. Sounds a bit complicated? Once you have played a few Quizzes it will seem straight forward, and it is meant to reward players who get multiple correct answers in a row.
Finally, the multiplier starts at 1.00 and increases by 0.02 for each correct answer. The multiplier is meant to reward players who are fast.
Players who are both fast and correct will get the highest Score, which is calculated at the end of the game as follows: (POINTS + BONUS) x MULTIPLIER.
The Sudden Death Mode starts with 15 seconds on the timer. For each correct answer the timer resets back to 15 seconds. Any incorrect answer will end the Quiz. The Quiz also ends when your timer reaches 0.
Each correct answer will add 100 points to your High Score, an incorrect one will not give you any additional points.
The bonus is based on a streak of correct answers. If you answer 2 questions in a row correctly, you will get a small bonus of 5. For the third correct answer in a row, you get an additional 10 points (so, now your total bonus count is 15), for the fourth correct answer in a row you get an additional 15 points (so, now your total bonus count is 30), and so on. If your streak is interrupted by an incorrect answer, the formerly gained total bonus remains, but your new bonus counter starts again at 5 once you have another streak of 2 correct answers. Sounds a bit complicated? Once you have played a few Quizzes it will seem straight forward, and it is meant to reward players who get multiple correct answers in a row.
Finally, the multiplier starts at 1.00 and increases by 0.02 for each correct answer. The multiplier is meant to reward players who are fast.
Players who are both fast and correct will get the highest Score, which is calculated at the end of the game as follows: (POINTS + BONUS) x MULTIPLIER.
Challenge Ranking shows a list of Players based on their skill and strength in the Challenge Mode (Challenges are Quizzes played in groups of 2 to 5 Players). Challenge Points are awarded depending on how well you perform.
All Points are awarded at the end of a Challenge. A Challenge ends when a group is full and all Players have played, or when it expires, whichever occurs first.
When you create or join a Challenge but do not play, you will lose 1 point. We do this so that Players don’t randomly create or join Challenges and then don’t play them (which would somewhat ruin the Challenge for the rest of the Players).
When you create or join and play a Challenge, you are awarded 1 point.
You get additional points when you beat Players in a Challenge. For every Player that you beat, you get 1 additional point. Thus, the most points you can get is 5, which would occur in a group of 5 Players. By winning that group, you have beaten 4 other Players (+4 points) and you will also receive 1 point for joining and playing that Challenge.